We’re looking for energetic and committed people, who are willing to take up challenges and be a part of an exciting revolution. If you have these qualities and are driven by the cause, come lead the automation revolution with us!
Innovation, Creativity, Problem solving and Personal development, if these attributes excite you, we feel you have qualified as a potential team member at Robotech.
We align you with latest in technology and management and support you in creating broadened perspectives. Robotech brings to you an exciting way of life - a work life balance that will see you discovering your true mettle, seeking out challenges and enjoying the thrill of overcoming them. It's a philosophy you integrate into.
At ROBOTECH, we have constructed a culture that encourages people to venture beyond the brief and think big. Our work places and project sites are the most sought-after training grounds for young techno-managers.
We look for people who are qualified, adaptable and ever-interested in taking on new challenges every day. But there are no fixed pre-requisites for joining us other than having a positive attitude and an enthusiasm to learn and lead.
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
WANT TO SHOW YOUR TALENT WITH US ? MAIL YOUR RESUME AT career@robotechautomation.com